28 x 28-inches, 6-color serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper made from embedded coffee grinds, shredded Columbian coffee shipping bags and coffee-infused craft pulp. The brown ink is even made from coffee.
28 x 28-inches, 6-color serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper made from embedded coffee grinds, shredded Columbian coffee shipping bags and coffee-infused craft pulp. The brown ink is even made from coffee.
6-foot x 18-inches, 4-color Serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper made from Holy Grail screenplays, Norwegian Blue parrot feathers and one other sacred ingredient.
16×16 inches, 6-color Serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper made from fortune cookie fortunes, chop stick wrappers, placemats and hand-tinted with soy sauce.
30×38 inch, 3-color Serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper made from shredded Baptist Hymnals, scraps of blue jean denim, grass and turf from Hank’s grave in Montgomery, Alabama and locks of red human hair
40×30 inch, 4-color Serigraph (screen print) on Waffle-Cone Embossed Paper
18×28-inches , 4-color Serigraph (screen print) on handmade paper, made from shredded Bibles, scraps of blue jean denim and grass and dirt from the actual crossroads outside of Clarksdale Mississippi.